Certified pilot och operator

Photo shoting and filming with drones. I am EASA certified in the open class A2, A1 / A3 and registered with the Swedish Transport Agency as an operator and pilot.

I have extensive experience of flying in extreme environments, urban environments, sea and coast and exotic destinations.


About us

Drone photography without restrictions

We can take photos / film in most environments and specialize in urban environments, the sea and then mainly sailing. We also have partners who support with regular photography and film as well as more demanding technical drone filming. Drone photography and filming is a side job and still a great passion and hobby and therefore we prefer to say no to jobs we do not feel competent to perform. All assignments performed are within the current regulations for drone flying.

With a great knowledge of flying, weather conditions and how this affects flight and photography, but not least safety means that we always hand over a high-quality result.

We can easily follow specific boats or entire competitions from a perfect angle either as study material for the sailors themselves or for clubs and other stakeholders.

For non-profit organisations, I can in some cases perform assignments without hourly or daily fees but for compensation that covers all expenses.

Event monitoring, filming and photography of sailing.

What is better than a great interest in sailboats, sailing and photography. Now I have had the pleasure of photographing the Dragon Gold Cup 2021 in Marstrand and smaller competitions during the summer of 2021 and will make a serious investment to be able to cover all needs around photography and filming of both the boats and the competition in general. For more information, please contact us so we can tell you more.


We can help with:

  • Competition monitoring
  • Recording of training
  • Photography of competitions or individual boats

Framed posters.

We sell our Photographs, framed with or without a passport based on what the motif fits best with. Our sizes 50×70 and 30×40 and in special cases 70×100. All frames are delivered with genuine reflective free glass. Model and color of frame as agreed when ordering.

Contact us for more information

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RAW eller editerad?

Förutom drönarfotografering och filmning kan vi även hjälpa till med editering av bilder och film.

Vi använder oss primärt av Adobe creative cloud program.

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